
Knopflerfish 2.2 released

Knopflerfish 2.2. is now released and is available for download at:


This is a maintenance release of Knopflerfish.

The main new feature in this release is the new Graph View in the
desktop. Another desktop change is that it is now completely
self-contained, just install and use it on any R4 framework.

We've made a few screen videos of the new graph view:

Starting the framework:

Starting/stopping/uninstalling bundles:

A short highlight of other features and fixes are:
  • Framework 4.0.11
    • The OS name alias handling is now up to date
    • An issue with paths in the BundleClassPath manifest header has been fixed
    • Fragment handling during uninstall
    • A possible deadlock between registerService and refreshPackages have been removed
  • Event admin 2.0.3
    • Improved error handling and logging
  • Http Service 2.1.1
    • The actual port of a HttpService instance (specified with port 0) is now presented as a service property
  • Framework commands 2.0.5
    • Support for specifying an arbitrary filer expression added to several of the commands
    • The call command no longer requires the service implementation class to be public
  • Comm-win32 2.0.1
    • Added Windows Vista as supported osname
The release notes have the complete list of features and fixes:


/Gunnar, Christer, Erik


Unexpected blog post

Some of you might have noticed a seemingly non-OSGi, non-KF related, Swedish-language entry on this blog, mostly containing band photos.

It was totally unrelated to OSGi. I mistakenly posted my latest entry intended for my photo blog Obsessive Username Disorder on the KF blog.

The entry is now removed, but feel free to read the OUD blog too :)



New graph view in the KF desktop

Available as of revision 2598. It's actually pretty useful, not only cool. Try it out by downloading the latest night build from


...and select "Graph" from the view menu. Nodes are bundles. The left side shows packages imports and exports, the right side shows services. Exports are drawn upwards in the graph, imports downward.

  • Double-click on nodes moves to another bundle (using animation)
  • Right-click shows a popup menu with some common operations
  • The faded icons on the bottom are the bundle history.
Also, we've made the desktop bundle completely standalone, so you can now easyly install it in any OSGi framework. (try it on Eclipse Ganymede with approximate 240 bundles!)
